Going through our Digital Detox Challenge on Hallow?
These resources are mentioned throughout the challenge.
Restless Devices by Felicia Wu Song
Glow Kids By Dr. Nicholas Kardaras
Digital Madness by Dr. Nicholas Kardaras
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
Slow Productivity by Cal Newport
10 Reasons To Delete Your Social Media by Jarod Lainer
Dopamine Nation by Dr. Anna Lembke
How to Break Up with Your Phone by Catherine Price
Unwired by Gaia Bernstein
iGen by Jean M. Twenge
The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch
Our Humanality University Villages choose a personal “mode” to operate in - you too can pick your preferred mode to start engaging reality on a daily basis.
Human Mode
Smartphone is grayscaled, no YouTube, social media, internet, or games on phone and notifications off. Keep maps, music, podcasts, and other necessary tool apps.
Super-Human Mode
Human mode with no personal social media accounts (Including your computer) and no habitual gaming.
Rebel Mode
Choose a “smarter” phone (Light Phone, Wise Phone, Gabb, Pinwheel, Ghost, Punkt ETC) with no internet capabilities
Super-Rebel Mode
Rebel mode with no personal social media accounts,(Including your computer) and no habitual gaming.
Savage Mode
One device only, neither of which is a smartphone. No personal social media accounts, no habitual gaming.
Super-Savage Mode
The only person in your contact list is your mom.