Start A University Village

What You Get

Ready to start a village on your campus?

  • Step 1: Find 2-4 friends to become co-leaders

    You can share our What is a Village? page with some friends who are interested in going on this journey with you.

    They’re down? Great! Next up..

  • Step 2: Find A Faculty Sponsor On Campus

    Faculty member gave their thumbs up? One more approval to go..

  • Step 3: Get Student Government Approval

    Depending on your campus, your student government likely needs to approve the creation of this new club.

    You’re approved? Awesome!

  • Step 4: Sign the constitution

    Download the constitution template here, fill in your university name, and have all leaders sign it.

    Feel free to customize it for your club’s culture and vision.

  • Step 5: Submit your signed constitution and book your onboarding call

    Share club information and submit your signed constitution here.

    Then, schedule an onboarding call to get started immediately!

  • “This semester, having nothing on my phone has done so many good things for me. My screen time has gone down from 7 hours per day to 45 minutes. The semester is over, and I feel a noticeable change. I will be continuing next semester.”

  • “My new phone has given me my life back and has made it possible for me to make new friends. People are so different behind a screen, and it is nice to take a step back and look at the world through real eyes and not the internet.”

  • “It has been quite liberating to not worry so much about my phone, many times I leave it in my room when I go out.. this has forced me to grow more comfortable with myself in social settings and be more aware of what is happening around me. I am excited and eager to see how much more I will grow during this time.”

You’re In Good Company

Humanality Villages Are Thriving At These Schools

Club leaders

Faculty sponsor

Student government approval

Signed constitution

Club leaders ✓ Faculty sponsor ✓ Student government approval ✓ Signed constitution ✓

Start Your Village

Need help getting started? Just curious?

Schedule a Discovery Call